28. Clearing up Misconceptions around MTSS with Dr. Stephanie Stollar

Dr. Stephanie Stollar, co-author of “MTSS for Reading Improvement” & founder of Reading Science Academy, joins me to break down MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) and clear up common misconceptions surrounding this framework. Many educators see MTSS as just an intervention model, but it’s so much more—it’s a system-wide approach to improving reading outcomes for all students. We discuss the tiers of instruction, how to make data-driven decisions, and how schools can shift toward more effective literacy practices. Whether you’re an administrator, teacher, or simply a stakeholder in student literacy outcomes, this episode will give you clarity and actionable steps to make MTSS work in your school.

Key Takeaways:

  • What is MTSS?
  • Understanding the Tiered Model
  • Common Misconceptions & Challenges
  • MTSS Logistics

Resources Mentioned:

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